Source code for kingdon.codegen

from __future__ import annotations

import string
from itertools import product, combinations, groupby
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, Tuple, Dict
from functools import reduce, cached_property
import linecache
import warnings
import operator
from dataclasses import dataclass
import inspect
import builtins
import keyword

from sympy import simplify, sympify, Add, Mul, Symbol, expand
from sympy.utilities.iterables import iterable, flatten
from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import LambdaPrinter

[docs] @dataclass class AdditionChains: limit: int @cached_property def minimal_chains(self) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, ...]]: chains = {1: (1,)} while any(i not in chains for i in range(1, self.limit + 1)): for chain in chains.copy().values(): right_summand = chain[-1] for left_summand in chain: value = left_summand + right_summand if value <= self.limit and value not in chains: chains[value] = (*chain, value) return chains def __getitem__(self, n: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return self.minimal_chains[n] def __contains__(self, item): return self[item]
[docs] def power_supply(x: "MultiVector", exponents: Tuple[int, ...], operation: Callable[["MultiVector", "MultiVector"], "MultiVector"] = operator.mul): """ Generates powers of a given multivector using the least amount of multiplications. For example, to raise a multivector :math:`x` to the power :math:`a = 15`, only 5 multiplications are needed since :math:`x^{2} = x * x`, :math:`x^{3} = x * x^2`, :math:`x^{5} = x^2 * x^3`, :math:`x^{10} = x^5 * x^5`, :math:`x^{15} = x^5 * x^{10}`. The :class:`power_supply` uses :class:`AdditionChains` to determine these shortest chains. When called with only a single integer, e.g. :code:`power_supply(x, 15)`, iterating over it yields the above sequence in order; ending with :math:`x^{15}`. When called with a sequence of integers, the generator instead returns only the requested terms. :param x: The MultiVector to be raised to a power. :param exponents: When an :code:`int`, this generates the shortest possible way to get to :math:`x^a`, where :math:`x` """ if isinstance(exponents, int): target = exponents addition_chains = AdditionChains(target) exponents = addition_chains[target] else: addition_chains = AdditionChains(max(exponents)) powers = {1: x} for step in exponents: if step not in powers: chain = addition_chains[step] powers[step] = operation(powers[chain[-2]], powers[step - chain[-2]]) yield powers[step]
[docs] class TermTuple(NamedTuple): """ TermTuple represents a single monomial in a product of multivectors. :param key_out: is the basis blade to which this monomial belongs. :param keys_in: are the input basis blades in this monomial. :param sign: Sign of the monomial. :param values_in: Input values. Typically, tuple of :class:`sympy.core.symbol.Symbol`. :param termstr: The string representation of this monomial, e.g. '-x*y'. """ key_out: int keys_in: Tuple[int] sign: int values_in: Tuple["sympy.core.symbol.Symbol"] termstr: str
[docs] class CodegenOutput(NamedTuple): """ Output of a codegen function. :param keys_out: tuple with the output blades in binary rep. :param func: callable that takes (several) sequence(s) of values returns a tuple of :code:`len(keys_out)`. """ keys_out: Tuple[int] func: Callable
[docs] def term_tuple(items, sign_func, keyout_func=operator.xor): """ Create a single term in a multivector product between the basis blades present in `items`. """ keys_in, values_in = zip(*items) sign = sign_func(keys_in) if not sign: return TermTuple(key_out=0, keys_in=keys_in, sign=sign, values_in=values_in, termstr='') key_out = keyout_func(*keys_in) return TermTuple(key_out, keys_in, sign, values_in, f'{"+" if sign > 0 else "-"}{"*".join(str(v) for v in values_in)}')
[docs] def codegen_product(x, y, filter_func=None, sign_func=None, keyout_func=operator.xor): """ Helper function for the codegen of all product-type functions. :param x: Fully symbolic :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`. :param y: Fully symbolic :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`. :param filter_func: A condition which should be true in the preprocessing of terms. Input is a TermTuple. :param sign_func: function to compute sign between terms. E.g. algebra.signs[ei, ej] for metric dependent products. Input: 2-tuple of blade indices, e.g. (ei, ej). :param keyout_func: """ algebra = x.algebra if sign_func is None: sign_func = lambda pair: algebra.signs[pair] # If sign == 0, then the term should be disregarded since it is zero terms = filter(lambda tt: tt.sign, (term_tuple(items, sign_func, keyout_func=keyout_func) for items in product(x.items(), y.items()))) if filter_func is not None: terms = filter(filter_func, terms) res = defaultdict(str) for term in terms: if term.key_out in res: res[term.key_out] += term.termstr else: res[term.key_out] = term.termstr[1:] if term.termstr[0] == '+' else term.termstr return dict(sorted(res.items()))
[docs] def codegen_gp(x, y): """ Generate the geometric product between :code:`x` and :code:`y`. :param x: Fully symbolic :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`. :param y: Fully symbolic :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`. :return: tuple with integers indicating the basis blades present in the product in binary convention, and a lambda function that perform the product. """ return codegen_product(x, y)
[docs] def codegen_sw(x, y): """ Generate the conjugation of :code:`y` by :code:`x`: :math:`x y \widetilde{x}`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ return x * y * ~x
[docs] def codegen_cp(x, y): """ Generate the commutator product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`: :code:`x.cp(y) = 0.5*(x*y-y*x)`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ algebra = x.algebra filter_func = lambda tt: (algebra.signs[tt.keys_in] - algebra.signs[tt.keys_in[::-1]]) return codegen_product(x, y, filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def codegen_acp(x, y): """ Generate the anti-commutator product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`: :code:`x.acp(y) = 0.5*(x*y+y*x)`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ algebra = x.algebra filter_func = lambda tt: (algebra.signs[tt.keys_in] + algebra.signs[tt.keys_in[::-1]]) return codegen_product(x, y, filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def codegen_ip(x, y, diff_func=abs): """ Generate the inner product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`. :param diff_func: How to treat the difference between the binary reps of the basis blades. if :code:`abs`, compute the symmetric inner product. When :code:`lambda x: -x` this function generates left-contraction, and when :code:`lambda x: x`, right-contraction. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ algebra = x.algebra filter_func = lambda tt: tt.key_out == diff_func(tt.keys_in[0] - tt.keys_in[1]) return codegen_product(x, y, filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def codegen_lc(x, y): """ Generate the left-contraction of :code:`x` and :code:`y`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ return codegen_ip(x, y, diff_func=lambda x: -x)
[docs] def codegen_rc(x, y): """ Generate the right-contraction of :code:`x` and :code:`y`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ return codegen_ip(x, y, diff_func=lambda x: x)
[docs] def codegen_sp(x, y): """ Generate the scalar product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ return codegen_ip(x, y, diff_func=lambda x: 0)
[docs] def codegen_proj(x, y): """ Generate the projection of :code:`x` onto :code:`y`: :math:`(x \cdot y) \widetilde{y}`. :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ return (x | y) * ~y
[docs] def codegen_op(x, y): """ Generate the outer product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`: :code:`x.op(y) = x ^ y`. :x: MultiVector :y: MultiVector :return: dictionary with integer keys indicating the corresponding basis blade in binary convention, and values which are a 3-tuple of indices in `x`, indices in `y`, and a lambda function. """ algebra = x.algebra filter_func = lambda tt: tt.key_out == sum(tt.keys_in) sign_func = lambda pair: (-1)**algebra.swaps[pair] return codegen_product(x, y, filter_func=filter_func, sign_func=sign_func)
[docs] def codegen_rp(x, y): """ Generate the regressive product of :code:`x` and :code:`y`:, :math:`x \\vee y`. :param x: :param y: :return: tuple of keys in binary representation and a lambda function. """ algebra = x.algebra keyout_func = lambda tot, key_in: len(algebra) - 1 - (key_in ^ tot) filter_func = lambda tt: len(algebra) - 1 == sum(tt.keys_in) - tt.key_out # Sign is composed of dualization of each blade, exterior product, and undual. sign_func = lambda pair: ( algebra.signs[pair[0], len(algebra) - 1 - pair[0]] * algebra.signs[pair[1], len(algebra) - 1 - pair[1]] * (-1)**algebra.swaps[len(algebra) - 1 - pair[0], len(algebra) - 1 - pair[1]] * algebra.signs[len(algebra) - 1 - (pair[0] ^ pair[1]), pair[0] ^ pair[1]] ) return codegen_product( x, y, filter_func=filter_func, keyout_func=keyout_func, sign_func=sign_func, )
Fraction = namedtuple('Fraction', ['numer', 'denom']) Fraction.__doc__ = """ Tuple representing a fraction. """
[docs] class LambdifyInput(NamedTuple): """ Strike package for the Lambdify function. """ funcname: str args: dict expr_dict: dict dependencies: list
[docs] def codegen_inv(y, x=None, symbolic=False): alg = y.algebra if alg.d < 6: num, denom = codegen_hitzer_inv(y, symbolic=True) else: num, denom = codegen_shirokov_inv(y, symbolic=True) num = num if x is None else x * num if symbolic: return Fraction(num, denom) d = alg.scalar(name='d', symbolcls=alg.codegen_symbolcls) denom_inv = alg.scalar([1 / denom]) yinv = num * d.e #TODO: this multiply is too gready, would be better if it didnt distribute, & reinstate CSE # Prepare all the input for lambdify args = {'y': y.values()} expr_dict = dict(yinv.items()) dependencies = list(zip(d.values(), denom_inv.values())) return LambdifyInput( funcname=f'codegen_inv_{y.type_number}', expr_dict=expr_dict, args=args, dependencies=dependencies, )
[docs] def codegen_hitzer_inv(x, symbolic=False): """ Generate code for the inverse of :code:`x` using the Hitzer inverse, which works up to 5D algebras. """ alg = x.algebra d = alg.d if d == 0: num = alg.blades.e elif d == 1: num = x.involute() elif d == 2: num = x.conjugate() elif d == 3: xconj = x.conjugate() num = xconj * ~(x * xconj) elif d == 4: xconj = x.conjugate() x_xconj = x * xconj num = xconj * (x_xconj - 2 * x_xconj.grade(3, 4)) elif d == 5: xconj = x.conjugate() x_xconj = x * xconj combo = xconj * ~x_xconj x_combo = x * combo num = combo * (x_combo - 2 * x_combo.grade(1, 4)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Closed form inverses are not known in {d=} dimensions.") denom = (x * num).e if symbolic: return Fraction(num, denom) return alg.multivector({k: v / denom for k, v in num.items()})
[docs] def codegen_shirokov_inv(x, symbolic=False): """ Generate code for the inverse of :code:`x` using the Shirokov inverse, which is works in any algebra, but it can be expensive to compute. """ alg = x.algebra n = 2 ** ((alg.d + 1) // 2) supply = power_supply(x, tuple(range(1, n + 1))) # Generate powers of x efficiently. powers = [] cs = [] xs = [] for i in range(1, n + 1): powers.append(next(supply)) xi = powers[i - 1] for j in range(i - 1): power_idx = i - j - 2 xi_diff = powers[power_idx] * cs[j] xi = xi - xi_diff if xi.grades == (0,): break xs.append(xi) cs.append(s if (s := xi.e) == 0 else n * s / i) if i == 1: adj = alg.blades.e else: adj = xs[-1] - cs[-1] if symbolic: return Fraction(adj, xi.e) return alg.multivector({k: v / xi.e for k, v in adj.items()})
[docs] def codegen_div(x, y): """ Generate code for :math:`x y^{-1}`. """ alg = x.algebra num, denom = codegen_inv(y, x, symbolic=True) if not denom: raise ZeroDivisionError d = alg.scalar(name='d', symbolcls=alg.codegen_symbolcls) denom_inv = alg.scalar([1 / denom]) res = num * d.e # Prepare all the input for lambdify args = {'x': x.values(), 'y': y.values()} expr_dict = dict(res.items()) dependencies = list(zip(d.values(), denom_inv.values())) return LambdifyInput( funcname=f'div_{x.type_number}_x_{y.type_number}', expr_dict=expr_dict, args=args, dependencies=dependencies, )
[docs] def codegen_normsq(x): return x * ~x
[docs] def codegen_outerexp(x, asterms=False): alg = x.algebra if len(x.grades) != 1: warnings.warn('Outer exponential might not converge for mixed-grade multivectors.', RuntimeWarning) k = alg.d Ws = [alg.scalar([1]), x] j = 2 while j <= k: Wj = Ws[-1] ^ x # Dividing like this avoids floating point numbers, which is excellent. Wj._values = tuple(v / j for v in Wj._values) if Wj: Ws.append(Wj) j += 1 else: break if asterms: return Ws return reduce(operator.add, Ws)
[docs] def codegen_outersin(x): odd_Ws = codegen_outerexp(x, asterms=True)[1::2] outersin = reduce(operator.add, odd_Ws) return outersin
[docs] def codegen_outercos(x): even_Ws = codegen_outerexp(x, asterms=True)[0::2] outercos = reduce(operator.add, even_Ws) return outercos
[docs] def codegen_outertan(x): Ws = codegen_outerexp(x, asterms=True) even_Ws, odd_Ws = Ws[0::2], Ws[1::2] outercos = reduce(operator.add, even_Ws) outersin = reduce(operator.add, odd_Ws) outertan = outersin / outercos return outertan
[docs] def codegen_add(x, y): vals = dict(x.items()) for k, v in y.items(): if k in vals: vals[k] = vals[k] + v else: vals[k] = v return vals
[docs] def codegen_sub(x, y): vals = dict(x.items()) for k, v in y.items(): if k in vals: vals[k] = vals[k] - v else: vals[k] = -v return vals
[docs] def codegen_neg(x): return {k: -v for k, v in x.items()}
[docs] def codegen_involutions(x, invert_grades=(2, 3)): """ Codegen for the involutions of Clifford algebras: reverse, grade involute, and Clifford involution. :param invert_grades: The grades that flip sign under this involution mod 4, e.g. (2, 3) for reversion. """ return {k: -v if bin(k).count('1') % 4 in invert_grades else v for k, v in x.items()}
[docs] def codegen_reverse(x): return codegen_involutions(x, invert_grades=(2, 3))
[docs] def codegen_involute(x): return codegen_involutions(x, invert_grades=(1, 3))
[docs] def codegen_conjugate(x): return codegen_involutions(x, invert_grades=(1, 2))
[docs] def codegen_sqrt(x): """ Take the square root using the study number approach as described in """ alg = x.algebra if x.grades == (0,): return {0: f'({str(x.e)}**0.5)'} a, bI = x.grade(0), x - x.grade(0) has_solution = len(x.grades) <= 2 and 0 in x.grades if not has_solution: warnings.warn("Cannot verify that we really are taking the sqrt of a Study number.", RuntimeWarning) bI_sq = bI * bI if not bI_sq: cp = f'({str(a.e)}**0.5)' else: normS = (a * a - bI * bI).e cp = f'(0.5 * ({str(a.e)} + {str(normS)}**0.5)) ** 0.5' c = alg.scalar(name='c') c2_inv = alg.scalar(name='c2_inv') dI = bI * c2_inv res = c + dI # Prepare all the input for lambdify args = {'x': x.values()} expr_dict = dict(res.items()) dependencies = [*zip(c.values(), [cp]), *zip(c2_inv.values(), [f'0.5 / {cp}'])] return LambdifyInput( funcname=f'sqrt_{x.type_number}', expr_dict=expr_dict, args=args, dependencies=dependencies, )
[docs] def codegen_polarity(x, undual=False): if undual: return x * x.algebra.pss sign = x.algebra.signs[-1, -1] if sign == 1: return x * x.algebra.pss if sign == -1: return x * (-x.algebra.pss) if sign == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
[docs] def codegen_unpolarity(x): return codegen_polarity(x, undual=True)
[docs] def codegen_hodge(x, undual=False): if undual: return x.algebra.multivector( {len(x.algebra) - 1 - eI: x.algebra.signs[len(x.algebra) - 1 - eI, eI] * val for eI, val in x.items()} ) return x.algebra.multivector( {len(x.algebra) - 1 - eI: x.algebra.signs[eI, len(x.algebra) - 1 - eI] * val for eI, val in x.items()} )
[docs] def codegen_unhodge(x): return codegen_hodge(x, undual=True)
def _lambdify_mv(mv): func = lambdify( args={'x': sorted(mv.free_symbols, key=lambda x:}, exprs=list(mv.values()), funcname=f'custom_{mv.type_number}', cse=mv.algebra.cse ) return CodegenOutput(tuple(mv.keys()), func)
[docs] def do_codegen(codegen, *mvs) -> CodegenOutput: """ :param codegen: callable that performs codegen for the given :code:`mvs`. This can be any callable that returns either a :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`, a dictionary, or an instance of :class:`CodegenOutput`. :param mvs: Any remaining positional arguments are taken to be symbolic :class:`~kingdon.multivector.MultiVector`'s. :return: Instance of :class:`CodegenOutput`. """ algebra = mvs[0].algebra namespace = algebra.numspace res = codegen(*mvs) if isinstance(res, CodegenOutput): return res if isinstance(res, LambdifyInput): funcname = res.funcname args = res.args dependencies = res.dependencies res = res.expr_dict else: funcname = f'{codegen.__name__}_' + '_x_'.join(f"{mv.type_number}" for mv in mvs) args = {arg_name: arg.values() for arg_name, arg in zip(string.ascii_uppercase, mvs)} dependencies = None # Sort the keys in canonical order res = {bin: res[bin] if isinstance(res, dict) else getattr(res, canon) for canon, bin in algebra.canon2bin.items() if bin in res.keys()} if not algebra.cse and any(isinstance(v, str) for v in res.values()): return func_builder(res, *mvs, funcname=funcname) keys, exprs = tuple(res.keys()), list(res.values()) func = lambdify(args, exprs, funcname=funcname, cse=algebra.cse, dependencies=dependencies) return CodegenOutput( keys, func )
[docs] def do_compile(codegen, *tapes): algebra = tapes[0].algebra namespace = algebra.numspace res = codegen(*tapes) funcname = f'{codegen.__name__}_' + '_x_'.join(f"{tape.type_number}" for tape in tapes) funcstr = f"def {funcname}({', '.join(t.expr for t in tapes)}):" if not isinstance(res, str): funcstr += f" return {res.expr}" else: funcstr += f" return ({res},)" funclocals = {} filename = f'<{funcname}>' c = compile(funcstr, filename, 'exec') exec(c, namespace, funclocals) # mtime has to be None or else linecache.checkcache will remove it linecache.cache[filename] = (len(funcstr), None, funcstr.splitlines(True), filename) # type: ignore func = funclocals[funcname] return CodegenOutput( res.keys() if not isinstance(res, str) else (0,), func )
[docs] def func_builder(res_vals: defaultdict, *mvs, funcname: str) -> CodegenOutput: """ Build a Python function for the product between given multivectors. :param res_vals: Dict to be converted into a function. The keys correspond to the basis blades in binary, while the values are strings to be converted into source code. :param mvs: all the multivectors that the resulting function is a product of. :param funcname: Name of the function. Be aware: if a function by that name already existed, it will be overwritten. :return: tuple of output keys of the callable, and the callable. """ args = string.ascii_uppercase[:len(mvs)] header = f'def {funcname}({", ".join(args)}):' if res_vals: body = '' for mv, arg in zip(mvs, args): body += f' [{", ".join(str(v) for v in mv.values())}] = {arg}\n' return_val = f' return [{", ".join(res_vals.values())},]' else: body = '' return_val = f' return list()' func_source = f'{header}\n{body}\n{return_val}' # Dynamically build a function func_locals = {} c = compile(func_source, funcname, 'exec') exec(c, {}, func_locals) # Add the generated code to linecache such that it is inspect-safe. linecache.cache[funcname] = (len(func_source), None, func_source.splitlines(True), funcname) func = func_locals[funcname] return CodegenOutput(tuple(res_vals.keys()), func)
[docs] def lambdify(args: dict, exprs: list, funcname: str, dependencies: tuple = None, printer=LambdaPrinter, dummify=False, cse=False): """ Function that turns symbolic expressions into Python functions. Heavily inspired by :mod:`sympy`'s function by the same name, but adapted for the needs of :code:`kingdon`. Particularly, this version gives us more control over the names of the function and its arguments, and is more performant, particularly when the given expressions are strings. Example usage: .. code-block :: alg = Algebra(2) a = alg.multivector(name='a') b = alg.multivector(name='b') args = {'A': a.values(), 'B': b.values()} exprs = tuple(codegen_cp(a, b).values()) func = lambdify(args, exprs, funcname='cp', cse=False) This will produce the following code: .. code-block :: def cp(A, B): [a, a1, a2, a12] = A [b, b1, b2, b12] = B return (+a1*b2-a2*b1,) It is recommended not to call this function directly, but rather to use :func:`do_codegen` which provides a clean API around this function. :param args: dictionary of type dict[str | Symbol, tuple[Symbol]]. :param exprs: tuple[Expr] :param funcname: string to be used as the bases for the name of the function. :param dependencies: These are extra expressions that can be provided such that quantities can be precomputed. For example, in the inverse of a multivector, this is used to compute the scalar denominator only once, after which all values in expr are multiplied by it. When :code:`cse = True`, these dependencies are also included in the CSE process. :param cse: If :code:`True` (default), CSE is applied to the expressions and dependencies. This typically greatly improves performance and reduces numba's initialization time. :return: Function that represents that can be used to calculate the values of exprs. """ if printer is LambdaPrinter: printer = LambdaPrinter( {'fully_qualified_modules': False, 'inline': True, 'allow_unknown_functions': True, 'user_functions': {}} ) tosympy = lambda x: x.tosympy() if hasattr(x, 'tosympy') else x args = {name: [tosympy(v) for v in values] for name, values in args.items()} exprs = [tosympy(expr) for expr in exprs] if dependencies is not None: dependencies = [(tosympy(y), tosympy(x)) for y, x in dependencies] names = tuple(arg if isinstance(arg, str) else for arg in args.keys()) iterable_args = tuple(args.values()) funcprinter = KingdonPrinter(printer, dummify) # TODO: Extend CSE to include the dependencies. lhsides, rhsides = zip(*dependencies) if dependencies else ([], []) if cse and not any(isinstance(expr, str) for expr in exprs): if not callable(cse): from sympy.simplify.cse_main import cse if dependencies: all_exprs = [*exprs, *rhsides] cses, _all_exprs = cse(all_exprs, list=False, order='none', ignore=lhsides) _exprs, _rhsides = _all_exprs[:-len(rhsides)], _all_exprs[len(exprs):] cses.extend(list(zip(flatten(lhsides), flatten(_rhsides)))) else: cses, _exprs = cse(exprs, list=False) else: cses, _exprs = list(zip(flatten(lhsides), flatten(rhsides))), exprs if not any(_exprs): _exprs = list('0' for expr in _exprs) funcstr = funcprinter.doprint(funcname, iterable_args, names, _exprs, cses=cses) # Provide lambda expression with builtins, and compatible implementation of range namespace = {'builtins': builtins, 'range': range} funclocals = {} filename = f'<{funcname}>' c = compile(funcstr, filename, 'exec') exec(c, namespace, funclocals) # mtime has to be None or else linecache.checkcache will remove it linecache.cache[filename] = (len(funcstr), None, funcstr.splitlines(True), filename) # type: ignore func = funclocals[funcname] return func
[docs] class KingdonPrinter: def __init__(self, printer=None, dummify=False): self._dummify = dummify #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import LambdaPrinter if printer is None: printer = LambdaPrinter() if inspect.isfunction(printer): self._exprrepr = printer else: if inspect.isclass(printer): printer = printer() self._exprrepr = printer.doprint # Used to print the generated function arguments in a standard way self._argrepr = LambdaPrinter().doprint
[docs] def doprint(self, funcname, args, names, expr, *, cses=()): """ Returns the function definition code as a string. """ funcbody = [] if not iterable(args): args = [args] if cses: subvars, subexprs = zip(*cses) exprs = [expr] + list(subexprs) argstrs, exprs = self._preprocess(args, exprs) expr, subexprs = exprs[0], exprs[1:] cses = zip(subvars, subexprs) else: argstrs, expr = self._preprocess(args, expr) # Generate argument unpacking and final argument list funcargs = [] unpackings = [] for name, argstr in zip(names, argstrs): if iterable(argstr): funcargs.append(name) unpackings.extend(self._print_unpacking(argstr, funcargs[-1])) else: funcargs.append(argstr) funcsig = 'def {}({}):'.format(funcname, ', '.join(funcargs)) # Wrap input arguments before unpacking funcbody.extend(self._print_funcargwrapping(funcargs)) funcbody.extend(unpackings) for s, e in cses: if e is None: funcbody.append('del {}'.format(s)) else: funcbody.append('{} = {}'.format(s, self._exprrepr(e))) str_expr = _recursive_to_string(self._exprrepr, expr) if '\n' in str_expr: str_expr = '({})'.format(str_expr) funcbody.append('return {}'.format(str_expr)) funclines = [funcsig] funclines.extend([' ' + line for line in funcbody]) return '\n'.join(funclines) + '\n'
@classmethod def _is_safe_ident(cls, ident): return isinstance(ident, str) and ident.isidentifier() \ and not keyword.iskeyword(ident) def _preprocess(self, args, expr): """Preprocess args, expr to replace arguments that do not map to valid Python identifiers. Returns string form of args, and updated expr. """ argstrs = [None]*len(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if iterable(arg): s, expr = self._preprocess(arg, expr) elif hasattr(arg, 'name'): s = elif hasattr(arg, 'is_symbol') and arg.is_symbol: s = self._argrepr(arg) else: s = str(arg) argstrs[i] = s return argstrs, expr def _print_funcargwrapping(self, args): """Generate argument wrapping code. args is the argument list of the generated function (strings). Return value is a list of lines of code that will be inserted at the beginning of the function definition. """ return [] def _print_unpacking(self, unpackto, arg): """Generate argument unpacking code. arg is the function argument to be unpacked (a string), and unpackto is a list or nested lists of the variable names (strings) to unpack to. """ def unpack_lhs(lvalues): return '[{}]'.format(', '.join( unpack_lhs(val) if iterable(val) else val for val in lvalues)) return ['{} = {}'.format(unpack_lhs(unpackto), arg)]
def _recursive_to_string(doprint, arg): if isinstance(arg, str): return arg elif not arg: return str(arg) # Empty list or tuple elif iterable(arg): if isinstance(arg, list): left, right = "[", "]" elif isinstance(arg, tuple): left, right = "(", ",)" else: raise NotImplementedError("unhandled type: %s, %s" % (type(arg), arg)) return ''.join((left, ', '.join(_recursive_to_string(doprint, e) for e in arg), right)) else: return doprint(arg)